torsdag 30 april 2009


Dessa lag kommer att möta varandra under den första omgången av Return of the King. Under turneringens gång kommer alla lag att möta varandra.

Blood & Gore vs Death hags with snakeboots
Beastmen & Dark Elves Lizardmen & Dark Elves

Riddarna runt blodiga bordet vs Team Beefcake
Empire & Vampire Counts – Dwarfs & Lizardmen

Admiral Swiftigs Cavalcade* vs C-du-Pape's Damned Allegiance:
Chaos Mortals & Vampire Counts – Tomb Kings och Bretonnia

* of Death, Sour Milk and Cookie

Anmälda lag till Return of the King

Lag 1 – Blood & Gore**:
Beastmen (Henrik) och Dark Elves (Jonas N)

Lag 2 – Riddarna runt blodiga bordet**:
Empire (Jakob) och Vampire Counts (Rickard)

Lag 3 – Admiral Swiftigs Cavalcade of Death, Sour Milk and Cookie**:
Chaos Mortals (Jocke L) och Vampire Counts (Johan)

Lag 4 – Death hags with snakeboots:
Lizardmen (Jon) och Dark Elves (Jimmy)

Lag 5 – Team Beefcake**:
Dwarfs (Adde) och Lizardmen (Linus)

Lag 6 – Châteauneuf-du-Pape's Damned Allegiance:
Tomb Kings (Emil) och Orcs and goblins (Jonas/Jocke)

* Armélistor inskickade
** Anmälningsavgiften betald.

tisdag 28 april 2009

Bakgrund: Châteauneuf-du-Pape's Damned Allegiance

And so it was that in the year of 2511 a decree went out from the King, Louen Leoncoeur;
That all able noble were urged to pay 10 000 Gold Crowns to the King for every fortified position lying on ground bordering to church land.

The Baron Châteauneuf-du-Pape was not pleased with the kings declaration. Not only was his own treasury less than solid, but also was his
land integrated with church land within the set distance to every fortification he had, including his main château.

The Church-land-tax-act, would set Châteauneuf-du-Pape back a staggering 230 000 GC. The baron could not pay.
After a short conference with his advisors Châteauneuf-du-Pape sent a courier to Couronne with a plea for tax release.

Louen, The King had anticipated these actions from the nobles, and they were part of a greater scheme. Those who claimed not to be able to pay the tax
had two options. One - divide your land and forfeit parts to the church. Two - Send your armies south, into the lands of Araby, and turn the
heathen scum of the sand from their wretched ways!

The Choice was easy to Châteauneuf-du-Pape. He was compelled to raise his army to go south.

Many months into his campaign he had finally gotten deep into old Nehekaran lands. For what began as a Crusade forced upon him, had through rumours of great treasure,
turned into a regular treasure hunt. Even though Châteauneuf-du-Pape did not think of himself so, he was now a fullblown Tomb Raider.

The ancient pyramid shaped tombs of Nehekara contained hidden treasure beyond imagination. If you came upon a grave not yet raided, that was. But even earlier raided
tombs contained scraps that was still worth the search.

One bright Hexenstag, three days since leaving the beduin camp of Hsmeeti, the grandeur of a huge pyramid rose on the horizon like a mirage.
Châteauneuf-du-Pape did not take heed to the signs put up around the giant structures, starting many miles from the pyramid itself. The signs were many and ominous
Take heed. Beware. Death comes to those who march on. Turn now and live. The wrath of.... His vengence upon you... The content of the signs became more and more graphic
the closer they got. But half a mile from the pyramid the signs stopped.

The pyramid was the largest so far, and semed to be untouched. Diamonds and gold filled the mind of Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Not only was he paying his dues to the King,
he was becoming a very wealthy man doing it. Blinded by his greed the baron threw all consideration out the window. The treasure was his. Damn all who might stand in his way.

On the sixth day of the dig, local carriers discovered an inscription fifteen feet under the sand on the western far side of the tomb. "Ye who enters, prepare to live in eternal damnation".
A doorway, was all Châteauneuf-du-Pape could think of, and pushed the diggers on with harsh words and cracks of whips.
Early on the morning after the work was done. The gate was freed and ready to be opened.

For a few short breaths Châteauneuf-du-Pape stared at the door. Then he opened it. As the ancient door creaked open, the heavens rapidly filled with dark clouds,
and gusts of wind threw sand in the soldiers eyes. Then suddenly all sounds stoopped and great silence lay eerily over the pyramid.

The entire day went as small teams of excavators serched the dark gloomy corridors and chambers of the tomb. When night fell the only thing found was an ancient scroll put on a pedistal
in a chamber belived to be the forechamber to either a tomb or a treasury. Châteauneuf-du-Pape was pleased.

The cold of the desert at night kept Châteauneuf-du-Pape awake, and the more he thought about it, the more a must know right now! He gathered his expert scholar of ancient Nehekara,
grabbed himself a lantern and the two of them went down the antechamber. The Scholar, Guy de Poux, had told Châteauneuf that the inscription on the scroll was probably an incantation
to be read in the room beyond the antechamber. Baron Châteauneuf-du-Pape had also brought with him a large hammer, to knock down the door leading to the believed main chamber.
When the pair came down to the antechamber the door to the tomb was already open.

For a tomb it was. In the center was a large sarcophagus overburdened with ornaments. This is the tomb of someone important, Châteauneuf thought. We've come upon an untouched tomb.
Imagine all the treasure... Hahahaha. Châteauneuf-du-Pape's mind was flickering on the border of insanity. Read the scroll, Guy, read the scroll!! he urged.

As Guy de Poux slowly read the incantation from the scroll, clouds were again filling the sky, the ground started shaking massively and ripples in the sand started to turn to pits as the wind howled through th desert.

And from the pits shapes of men emerged, thin, skeletal shapes. Larger creatures, all made from bone could be seen. The soldiers of Bretonnia could not believe their eyes. Taken by surprise
in the cold dead of the night, no fighting was needed. The undead could have their way with the young men of Bretonnia. But they didn't, they were ... waiting.

Châteauneuf-du-Pape saw nothing of this but the ground still shook in the heart of the pyramid. And with a deafening sound, the lid slided of the casket and cracked as it hit the stone floor.

From the Sarcophagus could be heard a hollow voice as a creature slowly sat up from thousands of years of unholy slumber. It was as magic, though Châteauneuf knew nothing of the languages
of Khemri he could understand each word spoken.

Mooohahahaha. I am Stigopthecus! And I thank you! Thank you, pale one.
The creature should inspire terror in the baron, with its dry bones and eyeless skull, but it didn't. The Mummy continued.
Now, my friend, we are as one. Since you set me free, the incantation join us toghether for the rest of eternity. You and I Are One! My Allegiance is pledged to you. As Yours is to Me!
We shall from here on walk the sands, your army and mine, toghether, forever. Hahahahahahahaha

And from this day forward the armies of Châteauneuf-du-Pape and Stig O'Dead walk the earth together in an unbreakable alliance, forged by ancient magic, without true purpose.
All they seek is a chance to cross over to the true afterlife, the only way they belive is possible. Through battle!

Lag Châteauneuf-du-Pape's Damned Allegiance består av Emil och Calle.

söndag 26 april 2009

Bakgrund: Blood and gore

Det var en stormig natt. Vinden slet och rev i seglen och vattnet piskade och överöste arken. Kaptenen och magikerna gjorde vad de kunde för att styra det stora och stolta fartyget ”Förgöraren”. Deras uppdrag var att plundra, offra och ta slavar till Häxkungen ”Malekith” och, givetvis, till Khaine’s ära.

Katastrofen var ett faktum! Revet, som fartyget drev emot, och vinden slet sönder skeppet i småbitar… Många mörkeralver dog och få lyckades ta sig till land.
Kaptenen mördades samma dag genom att bli huggen i ryggen av Vareesha för sin inkompetens. Ledaren för witch elvesen och tillika högsta prästinnan för Khaine tog över makten och blev sålunda arméns nya general. Detta till Sharess, den enda överlevande magikerns, stora förtret. Givetvis vill hon ta över makten vid ett lämpligt tillfälle samtidigt som hon försöker stärka sina kunskaper i magins ädla väg samt söker nya mäktiga artifakter.

De soldater som var lojala till kaptenen offrades och de överlevande soldaterna fick uppleva förändringar med den nya generalen. Givetvis så ses dyrkan av Khaine som en självklarhet och armén slåss för hans ära. Varje misstag kan kosta livet och med denna nyskapade ”terrorbalans” styr Vareesha armén mot nya segrar.

Vid en sen kväll upptäcker armén att det längre fram i skogsbrynet har samlats en annan armé. De utför någon sorts ritual. Spejare skickas fram och rapporterar att en armé med Beastmen har samlats och genomför en ritual i Khorne’s ära.
Efter ett kort rådslag mellan Vareesha och Sharess beslutar man för att avvakta en stund tills ritualerna utförs. Att anfalla vore dumdristigt, för armén är inte tillräckligt stark och dessutom kan förlusterna bli ödesdigra.

Sagt och gjort… När ritualen slutförts skickas en delegation för att förhandla med beastmens. Planen är simpel, men genial: Genom gemensam styrka ska vi krossa allt motstånd i Khaine’s och Khorne’s namn.
Förhandlingarna blir dock hårda… Ty Vareesha får lova att bygga upp ett tempel i Khorne’s ära innan Beastmens general Goredrog går med på något som helst samarbete med mörkeralverna. Gemensamt ska de nu offra och plundra i gudarnas namn! Gudarna av mord, slakt och förintelse.

Lag Blood and gore består av Henrik och Jonas.

lördag 25 april 2009

Bakgrund: Team Beefcake

During one especially heavy drinking round Phileas Fogg – adventurer, daredevil and explorer – spat out the oath "I will travel around the world in 800 days or you may call me a beardless tree hugger".

Well after such oath there is no turning back, so Fogg and his men started the journey around the world, on the steam boat IronPlow, and have made great speed to Lustria.

There they ran into some problem as there seemed that there was no way around the large landmass, so they hired the help of a local Lizardmen tribe to help them carry the dismantled steam boat to the other side of the continent.

After they reached the other side they decided to take the tribe along since you never know if you would need there assistance carrying again. They called the tribe the Sherpa tribe.

Team Beefcake består av Adde och Linus.

fredag 24 april 2009

Bakgrund: Admiral Swiftigs Cavalcade of Death, Sour Milk and Cookies

Efter att större delen av hans rövarflotta antingen dragits ner i djupet eller lagts i en grund grav och hans sista magiker med ett ”zzzopp…” försvunnit i tomma intet stannade Scurvy Jake upp och funderade på hur han skulle kunna ta sig levande hem igen.

Han hade alldeles för få mannar kvar, bara de hårdaste (eller snabbaste) hade överlevt de sista veckornas plundringar. Det såg inte alls bra ut, tillika hade rövarbandet förirrat sig in i ett förvisso mysigt träsk men ändå ett träsk som var något svårt att hitta ut ur.

Plötsligt uppenbarade sig räddningen – en man i stiliga kläder skred fram ur dimman och beordrade det lilla bandet att följa med och ställa upp i slagställning snarast. Jake trodde att mannen var galen, tänkte slå ihjäl honom och plundra hans lik. Emellertid såg han i sista ögonblicket att mannen följdes av en armé av skelett, zombies och andra odöda. Mannen var i själva verket en vampyr, en vampyr som inte såg skillnad på sina egna odöda och Jakes nurglekultister från norr.

Sedan den dagen har Jake och hans band slagit följe med Admiral Swiftig (kanske inte den mest uppmärksamma vampyren) och hans armé av odöda. Nordmännen tar hand om guld, juveler, vin och annat intressant, Admiral Swiftig och hans vampyrer tar hand om sådant som vampyrer gör, vad det nu är …

Lag Admiral Swiftigs Cavalcade of Death, Sour Milk and Cookies består av Jocke L och Johan.